‘The G.I. Diet’ by Rick Gallop

The G.I. DietstarstarstarstarstarThis is not a diet book in the way you might think. A diet sounds like something you do short term by eliminating something like meat or carbs and then returning to regular eating patterns later. This book will help you long term to develop a sensible  food plan and will decrease the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The ‘G.I. Diet’ will help you change your eating habits and teach you about how your body uses food.  This book is enjoyable, readable, and whether your goal is to lose weight or gain weight, the plan is  do-able.

The “glycemic index” is the basis for this diet. Low G.I. foods, like low fat proteins, whole grains, and vegetables (“Green Light”) take longer to digest so you feel full longer. Foods that are digested more quickly, like calorie rich fast foods (“Red Light”), cause glucose spikes which pack on the pounds and leave you feeling hungry again hours later.

Fat, salt, sugar and even carbs are all needed by your body, but not in the high amounts and unbalanced form our society now offers. The ‘G.I. Diet’ has sensible advice about tasty food choices, suggestions about portion size, and a frank discussion about eating habits. The book offers easy reference charts of Red Light, Yellow Light, and Green Light foods, weekly meal plan suggestions, and has some recipes at the back.

All of the suggestions are normal everyday sorts of basic foods – no tricks or gimmicks. The formula is simple and there is no cumbersome calorie counting involved. The plan is easy, flexible, and sustainable and does not leave you feeling hungry; it suggests wholesome and nutritious foods with three meals and three snacks a day. Hunger is a dangerous thing because our society has so many tempting ‘on the run’ options easily available to us. A “Green Light” diet offers so many foods that you may go ahead and enjoy, at home or eating out, which means there is less of that ‘diet depravation’ feel. It’s all about planning, choice, and keeping the basic principles in mind.

The G.I. Diet Menopause ClinicTo avoid confusion, be aware that there are several editions out there to choose from. The first ‘GI Diet’ book came out over ten years ago and has been updated and revised in newer editions since. There are also some special focus ones available like this ‘Menopause Clinic’ edition and a ‘Diabetes Clinic’ edition. There are also Family, Cookbook, and Express editions available. I did read the original years ago and have found the principles have stuck with me and have helped me maintain a healthy weight. It was good to reread this edition as a refresher and understand the same principles in the context of this stage of life. Find the edition that works for you and look forward to good food and good health!

3 responses to “‘The G.I. Diet’ by Rick Gallop

  1. ha, ha… are they paying you to write this post?? Any vegetarian suggestions?

  2. Nancy Wickham

    So glad you reviewed this- GI diet has been recommended for my husband who has late-onset diabetes in his family, but I’ve just been looking up the number on an internet site which is not a comprehensive approach. We’re a vegetarian household too and just looking up the GI of some vegetables has been surprising- it isn’t intuitive.

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