‘Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living” by Shauna Niequist

Brené Brown wrote beautifully about perfectionism in her book
The Gifts of Imperfection. So it is not surprising that she would write the Foreword for this book by Shauna Niequist. The message of this book is right in the title–it’s not about being perfect, it’s about being present to those around us, instead of running around with a massive to-do list and trying to do way too much in a sort of frantic frenzy. It’s a good message but might be hard for some to relate to.

Shauna talks with honesty about her struggles and failures and shares her learnings about choices. But I did read many reviews by people like single Moms living paycheck to paycheck feeling ragged because in their life there is nothing they can say no to and there is no choice but to be exhausted and overwhelmed–there is nothing in the book that addresses this. Some don’t have the privilege of making choices and this book would be hard and unhelpful for someone like that to read.

However, Niequist speaks from a place of vulnerability from her own experience (it’s really more of a memoir than a self-help book) about the dangers of over-commitment and keeping busy just to prove your worth. I found her message a bit repetitive but I did appreciate her chapter on ministry burn-out. Christians and others who are committed to a higher purpose tend to think that achieving great things for the cause (to the point of denying your own health) will be a necessary sacrifice. But if you are tired, and burned out, and negative, and critical, and envious of those who seem to have more peace, then that is not what God has intended for you.

My favourite book of hers is still Bread and Wine which focuses on the importance of gathering around dinner tables to share food and conversation. It comes complete with wisdom, some great stories and thoughts about hospitality, and recipes that have become some of my favourites!

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