‘the last time i saw you’ by Elizabeth Berg

the last time i saw youstarstarElizabeth Berg is one of my favourite authors, but I found this one a disappointment. It’s about a group of classmates meeting at a high school reunion. It was cliché and shallow and not up to her usual standard.  Books of hers which I have enjoyed are among others, Open House, Art of Mending, and We Are All Welcome Here. The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted is a hilarious collection of short stories. Her books focus on everyday life but her strength is usually in her ability to pull out and describe extraordinary moments otherwise hidden in the midst of ordinary events. I would say her books are mostly targeted for middle aged women, although the Durable Goods trilogy (Durable Goods, Joy School, True to Form) captures the adolescent girl experience very well.

So whether you are a Berg fan or not, take a pass on this one and pick up another. I know I will until I’ve read them all.

Elizabeth Berg Website

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