‘One Thousand Gifts’ by Ann Voskamp

One Thousand GiftsstarstarstarstarThe author, Ann Voskamp (About Ann), is a farmer’s wife with six children. She sees beauty all around her and is a bit of a philosopher, using language and photography as mediums for her message about the power of gratitude and how to connect with God. Her life is messy and chaotic (she actually home schools all of those kids) but somehow, she finds the time to bless others with her writing. As Jesus did with the parables, she simply uses what is at hand in everyday sorts of things, to teach about faith and the practise of giving thanks. She believes an attitude of gratitude is the key to living more fully, having a stronger faith, dealing with suffering, and finding joy and grace. Holy. Ordinary. Amazing Grace.

‘One Thousand Gifts’ is not a daily devotional but can be used as one. I read it in bits and bites over time to let it all digest. Although her examples are down to earth, her lyrical prose is so reflective that at times it becomes difficult to follow, and then wham! she suddenly offers a simple sentence that is so profound it takes my breath away. So if you don’t get parts of it, just keep reading – there are treasures ahead! There’s a reason it was on the New York Times bestseller list for 60 weeks! If you like this book, you can sign up for her blog called ‘A Holy Experience’.

4 responses to “‘One Thousand Gifts’ by Ann Voskamp

  1. Wilma Van Brummelen

    I totally agree with your comments. Thanks! I really got into it when Harro had his incurable cancer diagnosis and I could identify with the first couple of chapters. Then I put it away for a while for when my mind was a bit more clear.
    It is true that I had to reread some of her writings, because I was not getting it. I liked her positive, God given attitude of gratitude and especially the fact that it is our tendency to look at the negative side of issues, which is easy to do when hard hits happen, rather than counting our blessings one by one! I really found the book helpful in my situation. Thanks, sister! Love Wilma :):):)

  2. Cathy Kalverda

    You hit the nail on the head Joanna – I have been reading her devotional and also her blog and she is hard to follow sometimes but there suddenly there will be a sentence and I am sitting there saying “thank you – thank you ” that is what I needed. Ann has a wonderful heart and an eye for beauty in the simplest things.

    • That’s great Cathy! You might also enjoy her blog ‘A Holy Experience’. You can subscribe with your email. I love her photographs in her blog. If I don’t have time to read the post I sometimes just look at the pictures. ๐Ÿ™‚

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