‘The Violin Conspiracy’ by Brendan Slocumb

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Wow, I loved this page-turner debut novel by a Black music teacher. It’s a compelling mystery/thriller about a stolen violin, but it’s more. It’s a bildungsroman. It’s also an inspirational underdog story that I just couldn’t put down. The only thing it lacked was a playlist of all of the gorgeous violin pieces mentioned in the book. I did listen to some of them while reading and found it a marvellous accompaniment.

Rayquan McMillian loves playing the violin more than anything, and nothing will stop him from pursuing his dream of becoming a professional musician. Not his mother, who thinks he should get a real job and thinks what he plays on his ‘fiddle’ is just ‘noise.’ Not the fact that he can’t afford a high-caliber violin. And not the racism inherent in the classical music world. Ray’s journey is not an easy one, but his devotion and passion for music and the love of a special person see him through. Ray reminds us that it’s important to do what you love, stay true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to do the hard work.

Slocumb has a new novel coming out in April 2023 called Symphony of Secrets. Can’t wait! For a nice bio of the author, click here.

10 responses to “‘The Violin Conspiracy’ by Brendan Slocumb

  1. Charlotte vanderSar

    Sounds excellent, my type of read.. placed a hold at my library!

  2. Just finished based on your recommendation. Great read. Thanks Joanne

  3. I listened to the audiobook and also thought that it would be great to listen at some of the music pieces, particularly when the author described how the protagonist played them.

  4. Hey Joanne (my namesake). Read this a while ago and enjoyed it too! I actually went through the book again to write down all the pieces he played and have made a playlist of them & shared with Michael’s nephew who’s studied violin for years. Beautiful!!!

    • The book really made me want to listen to all the music while reading! I also enjoy listening to interviews with Slocumb, he’s such an interesting person and so talented! He would be such a fun music teacher I think!

  5. This story did not disappoint and was a real page turner which I had trouble putting down! It is an unusual topic to be incorporated within a mystery. The music just calls out to you as you are reading and the main character is really engaging and interesting. The experience of a black American rings true and unfortunately still very real.
    I look forward to reading the new one : Symphony of Secrets.

    • Yes! This was a good one for sure! And the second one is too, and raises other issues. I wish I’d had Brendan Slocumb as a music teacher, I bet he’s very motivating!

      • Actually I had a really wonderful piano teacher. She was quite motivating and also a very lovely person. She and her sister lived

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