’28 Summers’ by Elin Hilderbrand

Rating: 3 out of 5.

I’ve always wanted to read a book by this author, since new ones seem to be coming out all the time. When I heard someone say this was her best, I jumped right in, with this her 25th novel. It’s definitely a beach read, from an author who some refer to as the “Queen of Beach Reads!”

Nantucket Island is an amazing setting for any book, let alone a beach read. How can it not be! I’ve never been there, but I’ve been at Cape Cod several times and it likely has a similar vibe. Sun, sand, driftwood, sea, salty air, nautical decor, sundowners, small community…

The premise is pretty simple. Based on a classic film called Same Time Next Year, this romance sees Mallory and Jake exploring the agony and ecstasy of a one-weekend-per-year affair. With absolutely no contact the rest of the year, you can imagine the dramatic ways this relationship complicates and enriches their lives, and the lives of people they love. It’s a long book, probably too long, but I happily read all of it, even though I wasn’t anywhere near a beach. Not sure I’ll be running to read more anytime soon, but I won’t rule out picking up another one of her books sometime in the future. Maybe next time I’m at Cape Cod!

2 responses to “’28 Summers’ by Elin Hilderbrand

  1. Karibu Cape Cod!

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