Tag Archives: Finding Chika

‘Finding Chika: A Little Girl, an Earthquake, and the Making of a Family’ by Mitch Albom

Journalist, author, and musician Mitch Albom has written many wonderful little books, both fiction and non-fiction. They are all short page turners but also include nuggets of wisdom and wonder. I’ve read most of them but had missed out on this one. His best known work, and still one of my favourites, is Tuesdays with Morrie.

Finding Chika is a bittersweet and very personal true story of finding Chika, a child from an orphanage in Haiti. He and his wife Janine brought Chika into their home in Michigan and sought medical help for a brain tumour. She may have had a short life but Chika lived and loved large.

I heard about this book from my sister-in-laws in Edmonton who are part of a book club that had a really neat idea for a book club meeting. They each chose a different Mitch Albom book to read. At the meeting every member did a small presentation of the book they had read, and then discussed. Because there’s a pandemic on they met outside, all physically distanced, yet oh so cozy. Thanks for sending the picture Margo! Book clubs are still alive and well during the pandemic, on zoom or in the great outdoors!