Tag Archives: Joshilyn Jackson

‘Mother May I’ by Joshilyn Jackson

Rating: 2 out of 5.

Honestly there’s not much I can find to recommend this book. I read it couple of weeks ago and already I can’t even remember much about it. It’s my first book by this author and I’m afraid I’m not feeling inspired to read more. It was just another domestic thriller, maybe I’m just tiring of those.

The story is about a kidnapped baby. The ransom demands make the mother wonder about what her husband has been involved with. Bree has married into a family of wealth and privilege and was living a charmed life until her baby boy disappeared. Maybe she needs to heed her single mother’s warnings that the world is a dark and scary place after all. The ending was gripping, if predictable, but the subject matter (sexual harrassment and revenge) made me feel sad. This author does, however, have many fans so maybe it just wasn’t right for me.