Tag Archives: Saving Us

‘Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World’ Katharine Hayhoe

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“To everyone who believes the difficult issues in life are worth talking about.”

Katharine Hayhoe is a Canadian climate scientist living in Texas. The first line in her book is, “I’m getting used to being hated,” even though she’s smart, insightful, and positive. The time to act is now, but not everyone agrees.

She’s a climate scientist with a brilliant strategy and a powerful message. She doesn’t suggest arguing with those who dismiss or doubt the science. She advocates talking and finding connection with others–celebrating what unites instead of divides. We all want a better future, health for our families, strength in our economy and stability in our world. When we hunker down in our opinion camps, it drives tribalism and creates fear of change. TALK ABOUT IT. It’s simple advice that extends beyond climate change and may just heal division, along with our planet.

“Empathy is an antidote to righteousness.”

These are the simple facts:
1. Climate is changing
2. Humans are responsible
3. Impacts are serious

This is not just another book on climate change. It’s a call to action that is within everyone’s reach. She makes the science understandable and the message compelling. She makes me hopeful when thinking about climate change, when often all I feel is despair. I want to buy boxes of this book and give it to everyone I know.

Margaret Atwood was not wrong, when she said on Twitter about this book, “A must-read if we’re serious about enacting positive change from the ground up, in communities, and through human connections and human emotions.”