Tag Archives: The Art of Racing in the Rain

‘The Art of Racing in the Rain’ by Garth Stein

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Happy New Year! Celebrations are over, decorations are packed up, and we are settling into some semblance of routine again. It’s been a time of reflection, looking forward and back.

There were so many good books last year and I’m looking forward to my extensive TBR list for the year ahead! I know there will be many books on my list that I won’t ever get to and that’s ok.

This year I’ve decided to try to be more mindful in everything (including reading) so as to be present in what I am doing, rather than rushing on in my mind to the next thing/book/task on my list. We’ll see how that goes! 🙂

During the holidays I re-read this fiction book by Garth Stein in preparation for a book club meeting. Re-reading fiction is something I rarely do, because there are so many new books to read. But I’m glad I did, because I loved it even more more now than I did the first time, which was 11 years ago.

Even though he can’t talk, Enzo, a dog with a philosopher’s soul, tries to bring together a family pulled apart by some hard things (illness, a custody battle, and the stress of work/life balance). His master is a race car driver who leaves the TV on for him when he’s out. That’s how Enzo gets so smart.

Enzo’s aspiration to become human in the next life makes him upbeat and very interested in humanity. What he shares with the reader along the way is priceless. Enzo is a superb narrator and no ordinary dog. There’s a lot about race car driving in this book too. As it turns out, navigating life is a lot like trying to stay on the track. Who knew?

This book is easy to read, funny, wise, and hopeful…and not just for dog lovers! 🙂